A list is a collection where the elements are stored in the ordered sequence and it allows access to each of he elements by its position in the sequence. It allows duplicate values to be stored. It also allows insertion of elements and positional access.
A list is one of the three major categories of the Java collections. The other two categories are maps ans sets.
Hmm... I feel like this query is much broader than it should be. However, I will start my initial answer, then another potential solution.
My initial answer to your query was: A condition controlled loop is used to control the number of times a loop iterates.
The potential answer, my secondary one, is: A count controlled loop iterates a specific number of times.
Two results, but my initial answer is the solution I opted when understanding this.
An Array
Array and Object is a good use for storing data and accessing it
A computer system can be divided into two components which are responsible for providing the mechanisms to input and output data, to manipulate and process data, and to electronically control the various input, output, and their storage. ... They are known as hardware and software.