We are given a decimal number 32.697.
First we need to round it to the nearest tenth.
Nearest tenth is upto one decimal place.
We can see, that number at 2nd digit on right side of decimal is 9 and that is greater than 4.
So, we need to increase first digit after decimal by 1.
<h3>So, it would become 32.7 ( nearest tenth).</h3>
Let us round it to hundredth place.
We can see, third decimal number is 7 and that is greater than 4.
So, we need to increase second digit after decimal by 1.
<h3>So, it would be 32.70 (nearest hundredth).</h3><h3 />
Let us round it to the one.
First number after decimal is 6, that is greater than 4.
Therefore , ones place number should be increase by 1.
<h3>So, it woud be 33 ( nearest ones).</h3>