A genetic sequence, the TATA box, is a transcriptions start site and initiates transcription through the formation of RNA polymerase. Negative regulation may inhibit the initiation of transcription and/or repress gene expression.
proteins called transcription factors bind to the TATA box, this triggers RNA polymerase to start synthesizing RNA to DNA
Globin 1 and globin 2 genes of insects are understood to have diverged approximately 170 million years ago, through duplication, from a common globin gene ancestor. The two genes that code for haemoglobin have conserved regions; oxygen-binding and heme- regions. Globin 2 gene has lost the intron region that is still present in the globin 1 gene. The percentage divergence is 7.2% with 20 varying nucleotides.
Detective= they uncover mysteries and understand how things happen by sampling blood and looking for clues
Science has a central role in shaping what count as environmental problems. This has been evident most recently in the success of planetary science and environmental activism in stimulating awareness and discussion of global environmental problems. We advance three propositions about the special relationship between environmental science and politics: (1) in the formulation of science, not just in its application, certain courses of action are facilitated over others; (2) in global environmental discourse, moral and technocratic views of social action have been privileged; and (3) global environmental change, as science and movement ideology, is vulnerable to deconstructive pressures. These stem from different nations and differentiated social groups within nations having different interests in causing and alleviating environmental problems. We develop these propositions through a reconstruction of The Limits to Growth study of the early 1970s, make extensions to current studies of the human/social impacts of climate change, and review current sources of opposition to global and political formulations of environmental issues.