The Boomer efforts to settle in the Unassigned Lands before the lands were opened for settlement. *Oklahoma history* was Multiple times they crossed the border illegally to try and form a colony.
This underlying exertion started the Boomer Movement. U.S. troops and government authorities immediately ousted the interlopers.The reason was then taken up by David Lewis Payne, a Wichita, Kansas, pioneer pilgrim, and legislator who was then working in Washington, D.C.
In late April 1880, and Payne drove a gathering of twenty-one men from Wichita to the site of present Oklahoma City. There on the south bank of the North Canadian, they spread out a town called Ewing and savored their new settlement until Lt. George H. G. Hurricane landed with a Fourth Cavalry and took them in custody to Fort Reno. In the wake of being held there for a brief time frame, the boomers were accompanied back to Kansas.