The correct answer is -transfer fixed carbon dioxide to cells in which the Calvin cycle occurs
In C4 plants the light reaction and Calvin cycle occurs in two different cell that are mesophyll cell and bundle sheath cells. First, the CO₂ is fixed into 4- carbon oxaloacetate by an enzyme PEP carboxylase.
Then this oxaloacetate is converted into a simpler form called malate. Malate molecule then enters into bundle sheet cell and there it releases one molecule of CO₂. This CO₂ enters the Calvin cycle which results in the sugar formation with the help of enzyme rubisco.
Therefore by releasing of CO₂ molecule by malate in bundle sheet cells, it transfer fixed carbon for the Calvin cycle to occur.
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Cellular respiration generally involves breaking down of large organic molecules to release ATP (energy). Citric Acid cycle, also known as Kreb's cycle or Tricarboxylic acid cycle is the second stage of the cellular respiration (unique to aerobic organisms). Citric acid cycle occurs in the intracellular space or matrix of the mitochondria of eukaryotes.
Glycolysis, which is the first step of cellular respiration, produces pyruvate which is then converted to Acetyl CoA in order to enter the Kreb's cycle by first combining with oxaloacetate. Generally, citric acid cycle involves an eight-steps reaction consisting of series of reduction-oxidation, hydration, dehydration, decarboxylation reactions, with each step catalyzed by different enzymes.
In a nutshell, oxaloacetate is generated back at the completion of the cycle alongside 2 molecules of CO2, one GTP/ATP molecule and electron donors; NADH2 and FADH2. These reduced electron donors enter the third step of aerobic cellular respiration and act as the first electron donor in the Electron transport chain.