To find the average number of cell cultured per area, you have to divide the total cell count with the total area. The cultured cells contains 7 x 10^5 cells count in 50 ml of medium area. The number would be: 7 x 10^5 cells / 50ml= 0.14x 10^5 cells /ml= 1.4 x 10^4 cells/ml
The plant will produce less chlorophyll
The plant still has a functional allele provided by the paternal gamete, thereby the leaves have this enzyme required for chlorophyll biosynthesis. In consequence, the plant can produce chlorophyll pigment but in less quantity, since it has only a functional allele coding for a key enzyme involved in the chlorophyll pathway
When a leaf is placed in a solution whose salt concentration is higher than the salt concentration of the leaves, the water with in the leaves shall move out of the leaves due to the osmotic pressure gradient. This will cause the plant cell devoid of water thereby leading them to shrink and wilt.