b, a wouldn't make sense because in history in general people have tended to like meritocracy over aristocracy. C and D don't make sense because aristocracy doesn't include how hard a person works for a job
The answer is the Continental Congress who reported to KGIII
They all studied the social contract.
_____________hello friend___________
here is your answer
Higher birthrate and more diverse immigration: Germans who migrated in search for land; mostly they settled into the "backcountry" due to lack of land; deteriorated Indian relationship
-Religious diversity: although church and state were not separated by modern terms, Jews and Catholics still could not hold offices, but there was a great variety under the Protestant religion;
-During the 18th century, Consumer Revolution: increasing goods like books, tea were enjoyed by colonial households;
hope the answer will help u!!!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-)
In Ava DuVernay's movie "Selma", four little Negro girls were included, they died violently in the 1963 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing in Birmingham, Ala. The movie "Selma" chronicles the Voting Rights Act campaign and communicates the terror of racist violence and is history as a horror movie.