Friend (endotherm) will need to eat more calories than snake (ectoderm) to maintain constant body temperature.
To generate heat endotherms convert the food they eat into energy through the process called metabolism. Most of the food that the endotherms eat is converted into fuel to maintain a constant body temperature. Endotherms need to eat more food than ectoderms of the same size to maintain their constant body temperature.
ow would you conduct your investigation? in your answer, explain your independent and dependent variable
Blood Type A and Blood Type B are co-dominant traits. They do not dominate each other, rather they combine to form blood group AB. This is only possible if both the blood groups are pure.
DNA transcription:
DNA transcription is the process through which DNA double helical strand is converted into single stranded RNA molecule.
During transcription two strands of DNA are named differently i.e Template strand and coding strand.
Template strand:
Strand from which RNA is producing is known as template strand while
Coding strand:
The strand which is opposite to the template strand is known as the coding strand. Coding strand is the DNA strand whose nucleotide sequence resembles to the RNA transcript base sequence except thymine which is replaced by uracil.
Correct Answer:
Template strand from 5' to 3' reads GGCTCA. and
In this question CCGAGT is coding strand.
RNA sequence is same as coding sequence except T which is replaced by U so sequence of RNA becomes
Procedure Bigsub is
procedure A (Flag: Boolean ) is
v,w : Integer
procedure B is
u,y : Integer
end; -- of B
if flag
then B;
else C;
end; -- of A
procedureC is
u,w,y : Integer;
procedure D is
t,z : Integer
z = t*u + y-w;
end; -- of D
end; -- of C
t,u,v : Integer
end; <span>-- of BigSub</span>