When you encounter an aggressive driver, there are several recommended steps one must take:
When you encounter an aggressive driver, there are several recommended steps one must take:
1. Try to avoid any eye contact with the aggressor.
2. Always refrain from any hand gestures; you do not know how dangerous the driver might be
3. Give the aggressor as much space as possible, but remain put in your vehicle
4. Never forget to contact emergency services if it becomes necessary to do so
5. Slow your car down, and change lanes if possible and then probably exit the road to a safe location.
The answer to question two I think may be b.
<span>To score high on a test of creativity, a person's answers should be original and valuable. When a person is being scored on something due to creativity, having creative, meaning original responses unique to them, is important. Being creative and showing that side allows others to determine the worthiness and what you could bring as an individual to an </span>organization. The value your answers hold help determine where you would and how you would best suit an organization.
The United States did not obtain the Philippines under the Treaty of Paris, following the Spanish American War.
Citizens can have an initiative which can put your law on the ballot to be voted on which in the end with enough signatures or votes your law may become true and realized as a real law.