Maybe not. contamination is easy, but gloves are a barrier between other organic material on yourself (such as what you ate for lunch) and what you are testing.
Other than the fact your DNA will be different than another person’s DNA, if we assume you are theoretically free of debris of any kind, then your DNA would test the same always.
Note: any contamination after purifying extract for a small sequence can give false positives. There are repeat sequences possible that would interfere if you are testing a small enough sequence.
A well mixed serial dilution is critical to achieving a homogenous mixture that has a constant concentration over the sample volume. If the dilution is not well mixed then it will affect the subsequent dilutions consent ration which will lead to percent error
Answer:1.Oswald Avery. C.M.Maclead, and M.McCarty in 1944. 2.D.Watson and Francis H.C.Crick 3.Friedrich Miescher 4.Charles Yanofsky 5.Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod and Macclyn McCarty 6.Erwin Chargaff.
If the graph line comes lowers from 1999 to 2013 so it means that steps taken by the EPA and the factories were effective in reducing air pollution. The steps taken by the EPA and the factories were effective in reducing air pollution occurs from two pollutants i. e nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) if they install chimneys which collect these gases and reduce pollution. if the factories uses coal having less concentration of sulphur so less air pollution occurs.