What should be changed to make the following sentence true? a) Humanism focuses on the potential of all people for evil.
Humanism is a psychology current that studies human behavior and development. In humanism, it is believed that all people are born without a real judgment and that every belief, knowledge, idea, and learning is created. So basically we are born with cero evilness and we have everything to grow and be good. Also, it also focuses on how every person can reach its potential and methods to do it. Humanists believe that it is never too late to start and do what you have always wanted to do. Also, humanists do consider antisocial and dissocial types of personalities but they believe that everyone can learn how to be healthy and life that way.
Move west of the Mississippi Rv.
So that they know what the world is about and that they become aware of what is happening out or what will happen if they do certain things.
Answer: B. Lenders prefer less frequent compounding.
That's false because the APR or any company wants people to pay loan and interest. That's how any credit method works. The APR means " Annual Percentage Rate" it is used to make a comparison between the standard of interest that you are likely to pay on loans or credit card balances.
The Haitians fought against the French for freedom