He wanted to find a shorter route to Asia but he found the St. Lawrence River instead.
d) continues throughout life.
Political socialization occurs all life long as a process when people acquire ideas and values. This initially happens in the family, then educational endeavours could be later, but also social groups have influence. Together with mass media pressing on, and other forms of propaganda then political socialization is increased.
There are other reasons why it continues lifelong, the laws, religion, sex and gender form or are embraced in political ideals.
The geography, race are also often factors that will affect the process.
The change in values is more often than tought if we consider how non static some variables are.
They are designed to help people get along with one another, prevent accidents, make sure resources are used fairly. If the people do not obey the laws; our government cannot maintain order, protect our health, safety, and property.
The id
Id for Freud is the component of the personality composed of unconscious psychic energy that works to satisfy basic impulses, needs and desires. The id operates based on the pleasure principle, which requires the immediate satisfaction of needs. This according to his psychoanalytic theory of personality.
Also, the id is the only part of the personality that is present at birth. Freud also suggested that this primitive component of personality existed completely within the unconscious.
The id acts as the driving force behind the personality. It not only strives to fulfill our most basic impulses, many of which are directly linked to survival, but it also provides all the energy necessary to drive personality.