Checs and balences witch is stricctly listed in the constitusion.
I would change certain laws that I thought were incorrect or unfair (though I would have to get permission from Congress first). Also, I would look at the people (citizen's of the US)'s view on things and I would help everyone to be somewhat satisfied. It would take a lot of work, however.
hot magma pushes itself to the surface at both divergent plate boundaries and convergent plate boundary . this magma come in contact with Rocks as it rise to the surface the magma is hot heating the rocks around it as the rocks heat they change and become metamorphic rock
Less than 28% people are left handed there was study done that 28% left handed 6% both handed and the rest are right handed hope this helped you :) have a good day
W. Edwards Deming
William Edwards Deming was the famous engineer, lecturer, and management of the United States in the twentieth century. His most noted contribution laid in his methods of quality control, better design of product and extensive sale which proved to be a miracle for the economy of Japan after the second world war.