I personally think some of the information can be biased based on who wrote it.
Yes, I believe that the Underground Railroad is an appropriate name for the network to aid slaves. The Underground Railroad, like a real railroad, had defined routes and stops along the way. The word “underground” can take the literal meaning of being underground, but it can also take the meaning of being hidden or secret. Therefore, I believe that the Underground Railroad is a fitting name.
Tens of thousands of people were killed by Bashar al-Assad as they demonstrated for him to resign as president of their country. The protests that began calling for his resignation later sparked a civil war which has killed hundreds of thousands of people.
There are widespread misconceptions about numerous aspects of the Chinese revolution. These include a misreading of the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, and the “reforms” of the post-Mao era, and the reaction of the overwhelming mass of the peasantry to these movements. Although the revolutionary programs/movements resulted in significant hardships — on the rural population (the Great Leap Forward, 1958-61) or the intellectuals (the Cultural Revolution, 1966-76) — they both produced concrete achievements in the countryside that led to impressive gains in agricultural production and in people’s lives. In contrast, the post-Mao era “reforms” have resulted so far in a huge growth of inequality in China, with the rural population suffering greatly by the dismantling of public support for health and education. In addition, local and regional officials have sold farmland for development purposes, usually lining their own pockets, with inadequate compensation for the farmers. This has resulted in the current massive unrest in rural areas, involving literally hundreds of thousands of incidents with protesting farmers.