Ratio you want the percentage of
__________________________ X 100 = percetange
All ratios added together
Eg. 3red bean
________. X 100= 75% of the beans are red
4 beans(3 red + one yellow)
im adopted my my grandparents and i refer to them as my grandparents unless i have to fill out papers
mark brainliest
Treatment of industrial effluents through the extraction of pollutants before discharge to the rivers
Water contamination is the addition of undesirable materials into rivers, lakes and other bodies of water. Polluted water is unclean and unsafe to use therefore policies are designed to reduce water contamination that possesses risk to human health.
The presence of the base peak at 45 in combination with our knowledge about the nitrogen rule suggests that the peak at m/z 60 is likely the molecular ion because even molecular ions usually produce odd molecular fragments by breaking single bonds.