Runoff in neighborhoods can be a problem because as the water runs it can collect pollutants such as oil, pesticides, bacteria, etc. These pollutants can end up in our drinking water or can run into our fishing supply and even our swimming water... I wouldn't want to be swimming or eating fish that was swimming in pesticides and bacteria.
I was sitting in my room, my eyes glued to the flashing screen, the palm of my hands slick with sweat as I struggled to hold onto the controller, the smooth surface slipping every second or so. I could barely hear anything, but the blaring of the sound effects that blasted through my room, shutting out any sound, including the knock on my door from my mother. I started, dropping the controller, my eyes wide. I snapped "What!" at my mother, her face contorting into pinched irritation. "Dinner is ready." She said, turning away to head back down the stairs. My eyes shifted to the open doorway, the nostrils of my nose flaring as I took in the scent of food. I could smell spices, and the humid stench of steam. My stomach growled and I quickly shot up from the floor and thundered down the stairs, leaping into the kitchen to find the source of the heavenly smells that wafted in my direction. I spotted turkey, garnished with lemon and green herbs, and sitting beside it, a large bowl of something off-white. It looked like mashed potatoes. I hastily took a seat and set my elbows upon the wooden surface of the table, my mother scolding me over her shoulder as she divided place settings. "Elbows off, please." She piped, pulling out her own chair with an ear splintering squeal that grated my nerves, causing my teeth to grind together. My mother passed a plate of green beans towards me, and I quickly scooped them onto my own plate, then going for the turkey, the mashed potatoes added last. With no time for prayer, I dug in, the tinges of my fork scraping against the plates clay surface as I scooped a fork full of beans up, and shoved it into my mouth. It tasted bland, with the barest hint of salt. I swallowed, cringing as it went down and took a bite of the mashed potatoes. Of course it was delicious. They were light, buttered perfectly. I gave a small sound of appreciation and went for the turkey last. I stabbed a piece of meat and popped it into my mouth, the texture odd. Hard to describe really. It was tough, but also soft enough to bite into, and with lemon added into it, it was tangy, making my mouth salivate. My mom smiled at the expression my face, nearly laughing. I made a face at her and swallowed, going in for another bite.
'Using hot tap water for drinking or cooking is a no-no, the Environmental Protection Agency warns. That's because hot tap water can leach harmful contaminants like lead from your home's service pipes into the water you might be drinking or using to prepare hot foods.'
There are no choices, I'll assume that the Nereus in the question refers to the underwater vehicle.
Facts about the Nereus
1) It is an HROV or <span>hybrid unmanned autonomous underwater vehicle. Operated underwater but its operator is in a remote location.
2) Built and operated by WHOI or </span>Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution<span>
3) Designed to explore the deepest surveyed point of the ocean worldwide named Challenger Deep.
4) Deepest dive was at 35,768 feet of the Mariana Trench last May 2009.
5) Was lost on May 10, 2014 after it imploded due to pressure in the Kermadec Trench</span>