Bacteriophage, Tail fibers affix to cell wall proteins.
Viral DNA is infuse into host cell. No coating required. Biosynthesis in
cytoplasm, Lysogeny. Host cell is lysed. 2) Animal: Attachment sites are plasma
membrane proteins and glycoproteins. Capsid goes in by receptor-mediated
endocytosis or fusion. Uncoating by enzymatic removal of capsid proteins.
Biosynthesis in nucleus (DNA viruses) or cytoplasm (RNA viruses). Latency; slow
viral infections; cancer. Released thru enveloped virus bud out; nonenveloped
viruses rupture plasma membrane.
if the baby is still small you have to take a pill or when the baby is a little big they have to do a procedure.
Because in episode 6 of twilight Bella needed Edward and he left her in the woods