Spontaneous recovery means the reappearance of a previous extinguished response. For instance, Jon is scared of dogs because he thinks they look angry. After a long treatment, he finally gets used to play with the dogs. He is no longer afraid of dogs. However, one day he saw a dog walking towards him, he suddenly started to fear again. His fear was extinguished after the treatment, but he suddenly recovered that response again. This is more of an one time event.
La evolución social de la humanidad, según Morgan, había sido única y lineal, pasando por tres grandes etapas o períodos étnicos: el salvajismo, la barbarie y la civilización. Morgan dividió las dos primeras etapas de desarrollo en tres, quedando configurado su esquema evolutivo de la humanidad en siete períodos.
They will use an export license - a government will use an export license to attempt to control the export of national treasure or antiques.
Theodore roosevelt was only 42 years old
For agriculture.
Rivers in Southern and Eastern Asia provide water for irrigation and for human consumption (despite heavy pollution in some cases), they are a trade route and a way for people´s movement, and are source of food (fish).