the answer is all of the above
Don’t understand plz help me
That would be.... Very bad. That pretty much means that unless this specific person was hooked up to a artificial heart and lung machine, or a VAD (Ventricular assistance device, which even then would most likely be useless), they are dead. Their heart has so much dead tissue that your heart wouldn't be able to effectively pump in the slightest. Also Cardiac tissue does jot heal or grow back, that tissue is all you get. This would mean the patient needs a heart transplant.
In Competence vs. Inferiority, it is the stage wherein a person would likely experience emotional problems like <span>lack of self-confidence and a feeling of failure. In addition, the principles explain that children would most likely feel inferior when they continuously learn to be competent.</span>
Constitutions, statutes, administrative law, and case law.