Yes. the nucleotides are A, T, G, and C. A and T pair up and G and C pair up. For instance, if your known strand is AGTCAG then the second strand would have to be TCAGTC. Also, if there is a U in the strand, it takes the place of T. so the original strand would be AGTCAG and the unknown would have to be UCAGUC.
I think fiber. you need the fiber to remove bowel and make room for more
C because the paragraph
---"The internet does not claim to operate by any particular ethical standards, still less high ones. Some have called it a ‘wild west’ but I would prefer to use the term ‘ethical vacuum’,” he wrote.
----"Bloggers and others who write on public topics can act with impunity, he states. Newspapers, however, already have ethical codes and promise a quality product. "
The phrase internet is used in both paragraphs which is related to technology.
c) matter in an ecosystem flows in one direction and is never reused.
A is true