The Secret classification level "shall be applied to information, the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage to the national security."
Instinctive drift
Instinctive drift is a phenomenon that occurs when an animal reverts back to instinctual behaviour, instead of continuing engaing in learned, or trained behaviour.
In this case, the cat's trained behaviour is being hampered by instinctive drift because while it can easily follow Juan's instructions when jumping a food (aided by the great incentive of getting food), it cannot help chasing the ball more than once, because rolling a ball to catch it is a highly instinctual behaviour that the cat practically cannot control.
In the 1929 episode, Disney's The Karnival Kid, Mickey Mouse's first words were "Hot dogs!".
Depending on where the broken yellow is (either to the left or to the right), it will indicate that you can turn either left or right.
From dealing with chronic illness to fighting off bullies to coping with the loss of a loved one to a parent with cancer, the novel portrays the range of conflicts in young people's lives that often remain unknown. In doing so, it provides a powerful statement about kids and the daily burdens they carry.
brainliest pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee