Their reactions
are best explained in terms of "Classical Conditioning".
<span>Classical conditioning is a learning procedure that happens
when two stimuli are more than once matched: a reaction which is at first
inspired by the second boost is in the end evoked by the primary stimuli alone.
It is important to know that classical conditioning includes automatic or
reflexive responses, and not intentional conduct.</span>
In legal terms this is known as sexual harassment.
<span>Stoic in nature and presence. Calm and collected he holds himself while under extreme pressure and not losing all senses, acts selflessly in aiding he's fellow man. He analyses everything, taking all emotion and fear out and acts accordingly.
He is kind and empathetic. Understanding that all beings are different in nature and idiosyncrasies. He does not judge or base opinions upon stereotypes and always keeps an open mind.
He is strong of character and principle and when tested, will chose the road less travelled. He is a leader of men and gains respect not for wealth or materialism but for he's selfless deeds.
He is brave and feels fear as all yet he is eager to face he's fears and will not allow those fears to dictate how he lives he's life.
He is unique and does not have the urge to conform to an image to feel contentment. He loves and accepts himself for who he is and having that acceptance, he is able to project that love outwards.
He is a good and loving partner and does not complete but complements the union of their relationship.
He is a good Father and loves he' kids to pieces. He's priority is their well being ensuring they grow with confidence, love and pride in their individuality.
He's a hard worker and provides for he's family and supports he's community.
He is everything we all aspire to be.</span>
Media play an important role in a democratic country such as South Africa. Its purpose is to create a mass media system in the country so the people of the country will be informed and empowered. Media also helps enhance the democratic values such as freedom to information.
The difference between electronic and print media is electronic is costly compare to the printed media but is more faster and convenient.