Only Technician B.
Every electric circuit in a wiring system must be protected against overloads. An overload occurs when equipment is subjected to current above its rated capacity, that is, when the amount of current flowing through the circuit exceeds the rating of the protective devices, and this can cause damages.
For example, if a circuit is rated for 20 amps maximum, then a fuse or circuit breaker of that rating will be in that circuit. Then if the current exceeds 20 amps, the circuit breaker will create an opening, cutting off any more current flow.
4. Bronze was made by heating tin and copper and mixing them together which created liquid bronze. This was poured into sand or clay molds and allowed to cool; This was called casting, and it was used to make most bronze objects like swords, knives, pins, etc.
9. This was a period of time where people sought to understand the world through science and logic. They were convinced that the world is governed by universal laws, sometimes called universal constant.
The significance: This was the same type of thinking that influenced the founding of our founding fathers when the constitution was written. Over 50% of our founding fathers were enlightened thinkers.
Her risks are getting robbed, the store getting broken into, a fight starting, running out of supplies, power going out, a fight happening, someone vandalizing the store, and also the store going out of business. Hope that helps and reply if there is a picture involved you did not show.
The importance of a system of family hierarchies in ancient mythologies is to signify the main difference between the Gods and the humans. The hierarchy would make the humans think that there is a significant level of powers among these Gods and it gets more powerful as the hierarchy move upwards.
c. They rejected Confucian principles in favor of a Mongol-style tribal council.
The Manchus are from Eastern China in the region of Manchuria, they are into animal husbandry and established the Qing dynasty, they spoke different languages and had different cultural practices from their ethnic Chinese subjects. However, with time, they were assimilated into the Chinese culture. They favoured the Confucian principle of tribal council.