$ $
Net Income (137000*30%) (a) 41,100
Unrealized gains in the beginning inventory 40,000
Unrealized gains at the end of the year 25,000
Difference 15,000
(NCI in Unrealized gain (15,000*30%) (b) 4,500
Non-controlling interest's share of Devin's net income for 2012 ($41,100+$4,500) 45,600
Non-controlling interest's share of Devin's net income for 2012= $45,600
Answer and Explanation:
Q2) Calculate the amount that should be reported as net cash flow from operating activities:
Account Receivables = $40
Depreciation = $ 60
Since there is an in Account Receivables therefore it will be negative
Since depreciation is a non cash expense, therefore, it will be added
$60 - $40 = $20 (Net Cash flow from operating activities)
Q3) Amount as net income:
Revenue = $170
Depreciation ($60)
Net Income = $110
Net inome = $170
Depreciation = $60
Increase in Accounts Receivables = ($40)
Net Cash flow from operating activities = $190
The correct answer is: produce inside its production possibilities frontier.
The production possibility frontier shows the maximum possible combination of two goods that an economy can produce using all the available resources and state of technology.
Unemployment in an economy means that all the available resources are not being completely used. So, the economy will operate at a point inside the production possibility curve.
Production at this point will be feasible but allocatively inefficient.
<u>Quality of life is a hidden variable because it cannot be measured directly but must be inferred from measurable variables such as wealth, success, and environment.
<u>Hidden variable:</u> The term "hidden variable" is described as the proposition that specific "statistical models" of any physical systems, for example, Quantum mechanics are being incomplete inherently, and along with this the apparent randomness of a particular system is being dependent not on "collapsing functions" but instead it is due to any unmeasurable or unseen or hidden variables.
C. What you earn on this security would not change as a result of the change in interest rates.
The increase in the interest rate will decrease the price of the T-Bill if you want to sell it to another investor, but what you will earn with the security will not change at all. Your earnings in dollars = interest rate paid by the T-Bill or any other type of bond.
If you buy and sell securities for a living, then a change in the interest rates can make you win or lose money, since the price of the securities will increase or decrease. If interest rates increase, the price decreases. But if you invest on a security to earn the coupon or interest rate that it pays, a change in the price will not affect you because you already own it. The opportunity cost of holding the security might change, but the accounting revenues will not.