An investigator would like to do an internet-based college student survey to gather data regarding their behavior as well as drug use. Even so, specific identifications are still not gathered and IP addresses might be available in the set of data. Damage threat must be assessed both by the magnitude (or severity) and the likelihood (or likelihood) of the hurt.
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LAMP is an example of a web service stack. It is used for developing dynamic websites and applications. It's components include;
1) The Linux operating system, which is built on open source and free development and distribution. Types of Linux distributions include: Ubuntu, Fedora and Debian. This operating system is where sites and applications are built on.
2) The Apache HTTP server. Apache server is developed by the Apache software Foundation and is open source. It is the most popular web server on the internet and plays a role in hosting websites.
3) MySQL is a relational database management system that plays a role in the storage of websites data and information.
4) The PHP programming language is a scripting language for web development whose commands are embedded into an HTML source code. It is a popular server-side language used for backend development.
public static double areaSum(Circle c1, Circle c2){
double c1Radius = c1.getRadius();
double c2Radius = c2.getRadius();
return Math.PI * (Math.pow(c1Radius, 2) + Math.pow(c2Radius, 2));
public static void main(String[] args){
Circle c1 = new Circle(6.0);
Circle c2 = new Circle(8.0);
The advantages of e-government include an improved flow of information from citizen to government, government to citizen, and within government itself. Additionally, e-government helps modernize administration procedures, improving economies and promoting transparency in the process.
E-government is the use of technological communications devices, such as computers and the Internet, to provide public services to citizens and other persons in a country or region.