The correct answer to the following question will be Additivity.
In linear programming, there are four mathematical assumptions such as :
- Proportionality
- Additivity
- Divisibility
- Certainty
The fact that the algebraic sum of the individual weighted effect is equal to the combined effect of the variables in an equation. Thus, the amount that ensures the total records used can be found by totaling the number of resources and the objective function used for all variables of decision is known as Additivity.
Based on the information provided within the question, it can be said that you have to press and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard before clicking each additional slide. This would allow you to maintain the first slide as "selected" while also including various other slides as "selected", in order for you to be able to copy all of the "selected" slides when the copy button is pressed.
def extract_title(file):
import re
a =''
with open(file,'r') as file:
for line in file:
a += line
m ="^(TITLE)(.*?)(JOURNAL)", a, re.M + re.S)
The programming language used is python 3.
The function is first defined and the regular expression module is imported.
A variable is initialized to an empty string that will hold the content of the GenBank formatted file.
The file is opened and every line in the file is assigned to the string variable. The WITH statement allows files to be closed automatically.
Regular expression is used to capture all the files between TITLE and JOURNAL in a group.
The group is printed and the function is called.
I have attached a picture of the code in action.
Organizational communication helps us to
1) accomplish tasks relating to specific roles and responsibilities of sales, services, and production
2) acclimate to changes through individual and organizational creativity and adaptation
3) complete tasks through the maintenance of policy, procedures, or regulations that support daily and continuous operations
4) develop relationships where “human messages are directed at people within the organization-their attitudes, morale, satisfaction, and fulfillment”
5) coordinate, plan, and control the operations of the organization through management.
So the answer is C.
hope it helps!
the reason HTML seems to work even if it has syntax errors is due to browser having built in ways to parse the code meaning it will still show but most likely look way different then you would want.
the code may turn pink due to syntax errors