if you look west of the hemisphere it will immediately tell you that on a map
In both "Like the Sun" and "The Open
Window", truthfulness is the idea that is explored.
In Like the Sun, Sekhar decides to be truthful and makes a
pact with himself and eternity yet he soon finds out that being truthful isn't
so easy.
On the other hand, “The Open Window” conveys the message
that in a person's narrative about an incident, it is often difficult to
decipher the truth.
drugs or ellegal substances
they forget about their feelings
He turns quiet and unassuming
The The Things They Carried characters covered include: Tim O'Brien, Jimmy ... Bob “Rat” Kiley, Curt Lemon, Ted Lavender, Lee Strunk, Dave Jensen, Azar, ... is quiet and unassuming, and Kiowa's death has a profound effect on him. ... he later apologizes, redeeming himself as a medic by patching things up with O'Brien