From the later months of age 2 and into the middle of their third year, the number of ways children combine words and phrases to form sentences grows each month.
As far as vocabulary is concerned, child develops an understanding to cover 100 words at just 18 months of age. Then comes the stage where the child begins to compose expressions and come to a basic understanding of syntax, the phase of telegraphic speech, and by the age of three, child has tripled vocabulary and doses of up to 1000 words (Sternberg 2005). Furthermore, from the second to the third year, the child understands the differences in the meaning of the word, names the word for all things and concepts, often looks for objects to name them, and speech is understandable to most listeners. In the 2nd year, the speech consists of nouns and verbs that child has created only (bi-bi, am-am, wow-wow) and those adopted from adults (dad, mom, car, juice). In the second half of the second year of life, the child begins to associate words and create the first sentences.
In this procedure the child is taken from the first step of the procedure, sequentially until the last step. As in the case above, the child was asked to perform each step of the analysis.
The type of listening realized by Bob is:
- Active listening.
In the situation mentioned could apply two types of listening:
1. <em>Empathic listening:</em> Where the listener can put himself in someone else's shoes.
2. <em>Active listening:</em> Where the listener understand the meaning of the told and make feedback.
Despite the two options could be correct, in the empathic listening Bob just listen to the case, could put himself in the inmate's shoes but this doesn't benefit the inmate, instead, when Bob realizes the description of the empathic listening but also give a feedback about the listened and, possibly, an advice, <em>the inmate feels </em><u><em>supported</em></u>, how the paragraph mentions.
1st question- A
2nd question- I would say B, day
1- there aren't really billboards in rural areas
2- most wild animals that you would see near a road are nocturnal