This is all pretty subjective because one person may have one type of a feeling about this extract, and the other person may have completely different feelings.
For me personally, this simile creates a gloomy mood. The simile 'the hollow halo it was in was like an icy crystal cup' creates a gloomy and cold atmosphere in my opinion.
It's is a first-person point of view.
Identifying the first-person point of view is quite easy, especially if compared to identifying the many types of third-person ones. A narrative done from a first-person perspective will used first-person pronouns ("I" and "we"), since the narrator also takes part in the story. In third-person narratives, first-person pronouns can be used in lines said by the characters, but not by the narrator. It's worth mentioning that first-person narrators cannot be fully trusted. Their story will be permeated by their own feelings and biases.
As we can see in the passage we are studying here, the perspective is a first-person one. Notice the use of the pronoun "we":
There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. We had been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning...
The body because that's where you have to put all your details supporting your evidence.
(a letter Sodapop gave Dallas to pass onto Ponyboy while he was staying at the church, because Soda knew Dallas knew where the boys were)
I think it would be sender