The lines that describe the decline and fall of the city are the following:
- These wall-stones are wondrous — calamities crumpled them, these city-sites crashed, the work of giants corrupted.
- The roofs have rushed to earth, towers in ruins.
- The halls of the city once were bright: there were many bath-houses, a lofty treasury of peaked roofs, many troop-roads, many mead-halls filled with human-joys until that terrible chance changed all that.
- Days of misfortune arrived—blows fell broadly—
death seized all those sword-stout men—their idol-fanes were laid waste —the city-steads perished.
- This place has sunk into ruin, been broken into heaps,
In this passage, Reagan talks about the pain that the Holocaust go through.
The most important fact that has been talked about in this passage by the President Reagan is about the pain that the Holocausts have gone through in their lives.
They said that even though the wounds have dried up now but still the pain and the wound will not be forgotten ever. Those holocausts have done a really important and significant service to the mankind and they will never be forgotten for this service.
stories of adventures
He was especially fond of ‘Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans
1. deduction
2. general to specific
3. main point under deduction
4. supporting points under deduction
5. induction
6. supporting points under induction
7. main point under induction
8. specific to general
Hope this helps.