accordingly, also, besides, consequently, finally, however, indeed, instead, likewise, meanwhile, moreover, nevertheless, next, otherwise, still, therefore, then, etc.
I believe it would be Florence, Italy.
Have a good day!
India traded throughout the Indian Ocean Basin, but once _________ began to control the area, both Asian and Arab merchants were forced to pay protection
money so their cargo would not be seized.
We can do the following ways 2 handle it
1 Briefly describe the conflict that occurred. ...
2 Mention your role in the situation. ...
3 Explain how you approached the problem and any actions you took. ...
4 Share results that prove how the outcome was positive.
Hope it helps✌️
What is sharted among the countries on the Arabian peninsula is that all of them have an arid climate and petroleum reserves, as well as some patches of desert. This is a common characteristic for the countries which exist there and is shared by all of them.