A deficiency occurs when the body does not receive enough nutrients so that all the physiological processes that sustain health and life are carried out correctly. When there is a deficiency, organs and tissues develop problems that, over time, can be serious.
Sometimes a distinction is made between deficiency and lack, which would be a more serious situation of lack of a given nutrient.
Deficiency symptoms are very variable, as they depend on the nutrient in question and the person. They are often not concrete, but are reflected in a physical and mental fatigue, a feeling of lack of well-being or a facility to get infections or develop other diseases.
In order for our body to function optimally and we feel well, we need a series of substances that must come from food, because we cannot produce them. You also have to keep in mind that not all foods have all the nutrients and even some nutrients are only found in few and specific foods. They are divided into macro and micro nutrients.
Among the macronutrients are those that provide energy (calories) and "building materials" for body tissues: carbohydrates, fats and proteins. They are needed in large quantities, on the order of several tens of grams.
Micronutrients are involved in physiological processes, but they are necessary in smaller quantities, of the order of milligrams. They are minerals and vitamins.