B. essential
We cannot store up amino acids on our body, but we can have amino acids through consumption of food. These amino acids of which the body cannot make is called as essential amino acids.
Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said that the form of regulation that is being described is known as attenuation. In the context of genetics, this is a specific mechanism that provides control in various bacterial operons that result in term results in premature termination of the transcription.
The easiest example here is a computer/laptop... e.g. when the CD-ROM is spinning when you are perhaps playing a movie, the kinetic energy causes friction, which results in heat. All computers need a fan to prevent them over-heating for this very reason. Therefore heat is lost and energy is wasted.
Another example is a lightbulb. When a light is switched on and left for a long time, the current flowing through the filament (the thin bit of wire in the bulb) causes heating (due to electron-ion collisions but you may not need to know that) so energy is wasted as thermal energy instead of light energy.
These are just a few examples but other ones you could use are tv screens, kettles, toasters, etc :)
71% of earth os covered by water
The answer is genus plasmodium. There are diferent species
under the genus including falciparum, vivax, malariae, and knowlesi. The most
common is P. malariae and is the cause of Malaria that is the cause of most
deaths among young children and pregnant mothers in developing countries.