I think that the answer is D, to create railroad networks that spanned the entire country
Answer: En esencia, fue la desconfianza entre —y la militarización de— la informal «Triple Entente» (Gran Bretaña, Francia y Rusia) y la secreta «Triple Alianza» (Alemania, el Imperio austrohúngaro e Italia). ... Austria-Hungría culpó a Serbia por el ataque. Rusia respaldó a su aliado, Serbia.
Marcus Garvey is best known for his activism.
silk, the Chinese also exported (sold) teas, salt, sugar, porcelain, and spices. Most of what was traded was expensive luxury goods. This was because it was a long trip and merchants didn't have a lot of room for goods. They imported, or bought, goods like cotton, ivory, wool, gold, and silver.
In the United States, the placement of Japanese
Americans in relocation centers during the early 1940's
was prompted mainly by
the impact of wartime fears on the attitudes of
After World War II, the legal basis for the criminal trials
of German and Japanese wartime officials by the Allies
was that these officials had
committed crimes against humanity
Base your answer to question on the poem below and on
your knowledge of social studies
How About It, Dixie