The correct answer is The meter is fixed, drawing attention to the end rhyme.
Both lines have the same number of syllables and the accent pattern is identical in both, which means it is a fixed meter. Not every syllable is stressed however, only the ones that are required for the pattern.
king con of course ahhahaha
Point of view
The author has used point of view as literary device in this excerpt. The author expresses his opinion about the efficiency and competency of Phil's crew.
To incite is to to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action, so technically, the only thing that may cause that would be responsibility (option B). Although, without any proper context, I can't say it too confidently. Abandonment would make her feel helpless and confused, an interrogation seems like action has already been taken, and another protagonist would cause.....mixed feelings honestly.
D. When you and your friends hear this recording, it will be exciting.
An antecedent, by definition, is a word or a phrase that is referred to by an element that follows it in the same sentence or paragraph, typically. When we look at item “D,” we are left with the question: “What will be exciting?” Because “it” could be anything, it is safe to say that the antecedent is missing.