Binomial nomenclature is naming a organism by its genus and species the rules are the genus always comes first and the first letter is capitalized and the species always comes second and is lower case so the mountain lion would be Felis concolor
Following the treatment, the Fetal Stem Cells will travel throughout the body, detecting damaged cells and tissue and attempts to restore them. The Fetal Stem Cells can also stimulate existing normal cells and tissues to operate at a higher level of function, boosting the body’s own repair mechanisms to aid in the healing process. These highly adaptive cells then remain in the body, continually locating and repairing any damage they encounter.
Cell membrane is a semipermable, which means that certain molecules will be able to pass through the membrane. It is contains phospholipids. But for smaller molecules such as CO2 and Water, it can pass through the membrane through simple diffusion. Cell membrane controls the movement of the materials into and out of the cell.
Biological systems do not contradict the second law of thermodynamics. Even in this case, entropy is still always increasing. Biological systems can only decrease their own entropy by using copious amounts of energy and by increasing entropy in their surrounding environment. Also, unfavorable anabolism reactions are always paired with more favorable reactions, such as the use of ATP in order to make the overall Gibb's free energy of the reaction negative.
I miss freshman science classgood stuff but the correct answer is permeability the definition of permeability is how easily a membrane allows a liquid to pass through