Answer: A. It’s a robust way to find information
Hope this help.
#function to find length of shortest and longest string in the array
def fun(list2):
#find length of shortest string
#find length of longest string
#return both the value
return mn,mx
#array of strings
list2 = ['Ford', 'Volvo', 'BMW', 'MARUTI','TATA']
# call the function
#print the result
print("shortest length is:",mn)
print("longest length is:",mx)
Create an array of strings.Call the function fun() with array as parameter. Here min() function will find the minimum string among all the strings of array and then len() function will find its length and assign to "mn". Similarly max() will find the largest string and then len() will find its length and assign to "mx". Function fun() will return "mn" & "mx".Then print the length of shortest and longest string.
shortest length is: 3
longest length is: 5
Answer is:
Client-Server Network
- expensive to set up
- has a central server
- easy to track files
- useful for a large organization
Peer-to-peer Network
- useful for a small organization
- difficult to track files
- inexpensive to set up
- does not have a central server
<em>Client-Server Network is ideal for bigger network set up like offices and companies where there will be a central server involved with several clients to access and connected with the server. This is the normal network set up to companies. While, Peer to peer network is ideal for much smaller network, which consists of only two computers to communicate and share files. This network is normally temporary and inexpensive since in only works with two computers.</em>
Answer: Image compression is the technique which is responsible for the reduction in the size of the image according to the need of the video technology. Image compression is done because of the following reasons:-
- Makes more space for the storage and creates space.
- It also reduces the time that is used up for the uploading of the video through internet.
- Text, labels etc might also be needed to inserted along with the image .