Active correlation
genetic makeup of individuals differ and mostly in their responsiveness to qualities of the environment. The genotype-environment interaction occurs in different ways of which one is the active correlation.
Active correlation is also termed as niche-picking or active genotype-environment correlations. It said to take place when children seek out environments they find compatible and stimulating. It is very common in older children. Usually, children love to extend their experiences beyond the immediate family when given the opportunity to make more choices, they actively seek environments that is suitable with their genetic tendencies.
Niche-picking is simply defined as the ability to find a suitable setting or environment that best suits one's abilities. An example is children who are usually Outgoing will want to explore their social contexts by interacting with people but shy children cannot.
Density and solubility are similar because they both involve water, but they are different because density involves dissolving a material and solubility involves floating or sinking a material
Other than the creativity and imagination capabilities of an individual, in order for you to actually maximize your talent and skill and with the thought of sharing it with others Experience is important.
The correct answer is: Johannesburg!
Johannesburg is in fact the capital of Guanteng and one of five districts in this province.
It is however not the capital of South Africa, which is a status shared by three cities: Pretoria, Bloemfontein and Cape Town (with Pretoria having the primary status).
Clastic sedimentary rocks form by weathering processes which break down rocks into pebble, sand, or clay particles by exposure to wind, ice, and water. Clastic and nonclastic sedimentary rocks are the only members of the rock family that contain fossils as well as indicators of the climate (ripple marks, mudcracks and raindrops) that was present when the rock was formed.
Clastic sedimentary rocks are named according to the grain size of the sediment particles.