Fear is sometimes used by leaders to control those under them. Orwell saw this and shows how bad leaders use fear to manipulate. Discuss how Napoleon and the pigs use fear to manipulate the other animals. Your response should be one paragraph in length. Include at least two examples from the text in your discussion,
d. She believes that people are capable of great kindness.
hope this helps
The speaker uses repetition and parallelism.
The speaker uses imagery.
The speaker appeals to emotions.
The monologues of Brutus and Mark Anthony repeat similar words and expressions such as "ambitious" and "Brutus is an honorable man" several times. The use of imagery is also rampant such as of "tears," "slaves," "ransoms," and others. Both speakers appeal to the emotions, Brutus is trying to convince the crowd that he loved Caesar but hated his ambition while Anthony countered with his grief of losing a good friend especially in the phrase "my heart is in the coffin... I must pause til it comes back to me."
Spurt- short burst of energy, and if you add growth, meaning you grow
Runt- That's a pig, or like a bay pig