1. A disease cause by a very small genetic change. Most cases result from the deleting of three bases in a gene for a protein called cystic fibrosis transmembrane changes which in a gene's DNA sequence can change proteins by altering their amino acid sequences which may affect one's phenotype.
2. It causes a mutation in the number of chromosomes, either extra chromosomes or missing chromosomes. Nondisjunction during meiosis can cause chromosomal disorders , such as a trisomy 21 (down syndrome) , Tuners syndrome , and Klinefelter's syndrome. It is a monosomy of the X sex chromosome.
Ever heard that kids are naturals when it comes to learning a language? Or maybe you know someone who gets easily discouraged from attending a second language course because they say they’re too old. Whatever you might have heard about this, whether you can remember or not, I’m positive it’s related to one of the most famous linguistics debates, which has been around since the 1960s.
Genetically modified crops are plants used in agriculture, the DNA of which has been modified using genetic engineering methods. Plant genomes can be engineered by physical methods or by use of Agrobacterium for the delivery of sequences hosted in T-DNA binary vectors.
They exhibit considerable molecular complexity and diversity