The correct answer is B. Maintenance of control over unused checks.
Risk of material misstatement is the risk that the financial statements contain material misstatements prior to the performance of the audit. The risk comprises two components, described as follows, in the statements:
Inherent risk - Susceptibility of a statement about a type of transaction, accounting balance or other disclosure of information to a misstatement that could be material, either individually or in aggregate with other inaccuracies, before taking into account the possible corresponding controls.
Control risk - Risk that an error that could exist in a statement about a type of transaction, accounting balance or other information relief, and that could be material either individually or in aggregate with other inaccuracies, is not prevented, or detected and corrected in a timely manner, by the entity's internal control system.
The mentor is the person who has knowledge, experience, skills and he or she is able to guide, motivate, gives the training, supervise the lower skill employees so that they can perfect in their work.
But for motivating, guiding the employees we need to appoint the right people who belong from organizational sponsor so that the lower level employees could able to accomplish their tasks so that the overall objective of the company could be accomplished.
Knowledge management is the the way how knowledge is captured, organized, distributed and effectively used. It is a whole process of managing knowledge that is very important for the success of the business because it builds learning
organizations by making learning routine, facilitates decision-making capabilities and stimulates cultural
change and innovation. It should be part of every type of business. However, KM is mos popular among business in the business administration, management, health, information systems and services.
Willow Trees Inc. should use bottom-up planning
Bottom-Up Planning is an effective method to increase productivity and efficiency of the production process. It includes planning, and defining the objectives that company needs to achieve through bottoms first.
Firstly, targets that will help achieve lower level hierarchy are set into place. From there they are slowly incorporated in higher level goals that will eventually reach the global goals of the company.