The correct answer are:
a. It reveals Hamlet’s anger with himself.
d. It reveals Hamlet’s hesitation to act.
Answer: False
Paraphrase is defined as the restatement of a passage or text with the use of other words. It is used to explain the meaning of the passage or text in a more understandable and clearer way. A paraphrase does not use quotation marks. Instead, it is commonly presented with declaratory phrases.
Logos is appeal to reason or logic. It uses facts and evidence to convince a reader or listener of the strength of your argument.
1. The teacher had to constrain the class.
2. The war was contemporary.
3. They had to depict for the class presentation.
4. He was disintetrested in the event.
5. They had to encompass their favourite subjects in a mood board.
6. The thing he did was completely groundless.
7. She was a hypocrite, always pretending to like people she hang out with.
8. She found the things in the maths class completely incompressible.
9. She managed to manipulate him into doing something with her lies.
10. He had a lot of stamina so he was always ready for anything in a p.e. lesson.