unconscious bias
unconscious bias can be seen as a social stereotype in respect of some certain group of people which are formed unconsciously or unintentionally.
Unconscious bias may be formed against people of some certain race, certain name, gender and may even go to the extent of height discrimination.
To eliminate unconscious bias one must identify the impact of it either to people, organization e.t.c.
Another way of elimination bias is to know the meaning of bias itself because if the meaning has been identified, then a solution might be profer to it.
Hi. I was only able to find three legal wrongs. Hope this helps. The three legal wrongs are tort, civil, breach of contract. A legal wrong is either a violation of a person's right or the failure to perform a duty. Torts are legal or civil wrong that is committed that causes a loss. Civil is a legal wrong that causes of action under the government law. Breach of contract is a legal wrong when someone does not follow or does not honor the contract.
State & Local Revenue
Taxes represent the largest single source of revenue for state and local governments. Additional sources of state and local government revenue include intergovernmental transfers from the federal government, or from state to local governments, selective sales taxes, and direct charges for utilities, licenses, or entities such as higher education institutions and insurance trusts. For the 20 years, 1996-2015 state and local governments derived approximately 45 percent of revenues from taxes, 18 percent of revenues from the federal government, and approximately 25 percent from service and utility charges.
State and local governments collect tax revenues from three primary sources: income, sales, and property taxes. Income and sales taxes make up the majority of combined state tax revenue, while property taxes are the largest source of tax revenue for local governments, including school districts. Tax revenues fluctuate in response to changes in economic conditions and tax policies.
For the past 20 years, property taxes have accounted for approximately 31 percent of all state and local government tax revenue, with sales and income taxes each accounting for approximately one-quarter of total revenues. Other levies, which includes selective sales taxes, such as for alcohol and tobacco, and licenses, such as for hunting and motor vehicle operation, account for nearly 18 percent. These percentages may be different for a given year within the period. Property taxes are the most volatile, ranging from 25 percent to nearly 57 percent, and sales taxes are the least volatile, ranging from 21 percent to 35 percent. Income taxes ranged from 21.5 percent to 44 percent.