Answer: Beowulf is sympathetic to the humans, while Grendel shows the monster’s perspective; Beowulf is a contemporary version of an old tale, while Grendel is based on oral tradition.
Both works are written in an Old English poetic style: There is just one work - <u>Beowulf;</u>
Beowulf characterizes Grendel as bloodthirsty, but Grendel shows Grendel’s gentler side. - Grendel is a monster;
Beowulf is sympathetic to the humans, while Grendel shows the monster’s perspective. Yes, it is a monster;
Both works focus primarily on the hero, Beowulf. - There is just one work - <u>Beowulf;</u>
Beowulf is a contemporary version of an old tale, while Grendel is based on oral tradition. - Beowulf is the hero of the work; Grendel in Norse mythology, Grendel is a monstrous character.
i dont know for sure but i think because most of them let people in no matter what grades they have
The answer is A
Like or as are examples of a simile
Answer: need a little more background information
Well naturally, the two people should meet in the beginning. They ultimately need to fall in love so your story can later determine if it’s “fate” or just “love” they’re experiencing. If you’ve been in love before, that should help you write. Never answering the question “fate or love” could be cool too. Leave the reader to decide... but that’s more of an ending lol.
You can make the couple meet online, in person, naturally, on accident, literally however. In my opinion a long distance relationship might solidify the question “fate or love” simply because in a LDR (long distance relationship) the two can be so deeply in love, but so far away. This almost forces you to think “is this relationship fate, or are they just in love?” You need conflict definitely. Provoke the mind to ask this question. You can do it!!