3- There were southern republicans (known as scalwag) who incorperated former dems, northern migraters (carpetbaggers) and freed black slaves (freedman), there was aslo the Democrats (most predominent) and indepentant party.
B. a city of dutch citizens in south africa
hope this helps :)
Accumulation of private property in the first civilization downgraded the status of women because it was much more male orientated,where men got to run political,economic,and cultural life.Basically men got to be the actual and final decision makers and women were beneath them.
For centuries there had been a thriving slave trade between the Western African Empires and the Islamic Empires to the north. ... The discovery and colonization of the Americas caused the expansion of the slave trade in West Africa. This was extremely harmful to West Africa.
La Doctrina Monroe es el principio de la política exterior de Estados Unidos de no permitir la intervención de las potencias europeas en los asuntos internos de los países del hemisferio americano. Derivado de un mensaje al Congreso por el presidente James Monroe el 2 de diciembre de 1823.