Answer: add this flight because marginal revenue exceeds marginal costs.
Since the total cost of the flight would be $1,100, of which $800 are fixed costs already incurred, then the variable cost in this case will be )$1100 - $800) = $300.
Since the expected revenues from the flight are $600, thus implies that the total revenue exceeds total variable cost and therefore Dash should add the flight because total revenue is more than total variable cost and the marginal revenue exceeds marginal costs.
The concept of economic profit ....... <u>alternative</u> two options.
If economic profit is positive .......... <u>Current </u>option.
If economic profit is negative............ <u>Other </u> option
Economic Profit is the excess of revenue associated with an option, over its costs (explicit external & implicit opportunity costs).
Example : Revenue - Direct explicit cost of production - opportunity cost (like interest on money invested, salary of job left foregone).
The concept is used to make decision between two<u> alternative</u> options. Given, zero economic profits imply indifference.
Positive Economic Profit implies - one should choose<u> Current </u>option, as it will make <u>Better off </u>, having more benefit than other option
Negative Economic Profit implies - one should choose <u>Other </u> option, as it wil make better off, having more benefit than the former considered option.