I belive the answer is d. hopefully, I can help you sort out your thoughts and feelings so you can better understand them
Medical practitioner like nurse is trained with various communication skill that might help the patient coping with their disease. Talking to nurse could help the patient sort their thought and feeling better, make them could adapt more easier. The thought and feeling also could be used to determine if the patient have psychiatric symptoms/problem.
Answer: Clonal progagation
Clonal propagation involves the production of identical individual without the fusion of germ cells. It can be multiplication through stem and other plants part such as leaves.
Strawberry as a fruits can be multiplied using the stems thus preventing the germ cells from genetic recombination that could lead to the formation of entirely new plants. It does not involve the union of male and female germ cells.
Sensory neurones send data to the brain.. the processes it and send back information with the help of the motor neurons.
Cancer is a mutation of multiple cells through the cell cycle. cancer doesn’t only effect one cell, but effects many