The main goal was to enslave native Americans and the purpose was to use the slaves as a labour source.
Renaicen is the french word meaning "rebirth". It refers to a period in European civilization tha was marked by a revival of classical learing and wisdom.
I don't think we have done anything to aid Middle Eastern independence. Are you asking what we have done during this year or in previous years?
Freud theorized that the libido was an important drive of the id. The libido is some what known as the sex drive where it explains that it's the over all's person desire in terms of activities relating to sexual things. Freud has the belief that this drive is being contained and is a some sort of energy that is so called as 'id'.
It may be admitted to the union to become a state after it's officers petition Congress for an enabling act, establish a constitution, and full a requirement of citizen/population. It will then be under Congress to make the decision to grant the territory a title of a state or not.