Here is the JAVA program that prompts the user to enter positive integers from standard input and prints out the maximum and minimum values:
import java.util.*;
public class Ex0603 {
public static void main(String[] args) { //start of main function
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); //creates Scanner class object to take input from user
int minimum = 0; //stores the minimum of the integers
int maximum = 0; //stores the minimum of the integers
int num; //stores the positive integer values
System.out.println("enter a positive integer: ");//prompts user to enter a positive integer
num = in.nextInt();//scans and reads the input integer value from user
minimum = num; //assigns value of num to minimum
while(true) {//while loop keeps prompting user to enter a positive integer
System.out.println("enter a positive integer: ");//prompts user to enter a positive integer
num = in.nextInt();//scans and reads the input integer value from user
if(num <=0)//if the user inputs a negative integer or 0
break; //breaks the loop
if (num > maximum) {//if the value of positive integer is greater than the maximum of value
maximum = num; } //assigns that maximum value of num to maximum variable
if (num < minimum) {//if the value of positive integer is less than the minimum of value
minimum = num; //assigns that minimum value of num to minimum } }
System.out.println("The maximum integer is : " + maximum); //displays the maximum of the positive integers
System.out.println("The minimum integer is : " + minimum); }} //displays the minimum of the positive integers
Here is the JAVA program that that prompts the user to enter an integer N, then reads N double values, and prints their mean (average value) and sample standard deviation:
import java.util.*;
public class Ex0603 {
public static void main(String[] args) { //start of main function
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); //creates Scanner class object to take input from user
double integer= 0; //to store the number of input values
double sum = 0; //to store the sum of input numbers
double mean = 0; //to store the average of numbers
double sd = 0; //to store the standard deviation result
double variance = 0; //to store the variance result
double sumSquare = 0; //to store the sum of (num-mean)^2
int n = 0; //to store the sample size N
System.out.println("Enter an integer: "); //prompts user to enter an integer that is how many elements user wants to input
integer = in.nextInt(); //reads the value of integer from user
double size=integer; // declares a double type variable and assigns value of int type variable integer to this double type variable size
int i=0; //used to point each element of the num array
double num[] = new double[(int)size]; //declares an array to hold the numbers input by user
while(integer>0){ //loop executes until value of integer is greater than 0
System.out.println("Enter a number: "); // prompts to enter a number
num[i] = in.nextDouble(); //reads double values
sum += num[i]; //adds the values stored in num array
i++; //increments i to point to the next element in num array
n++; //increments n to count the total number of elements
integer--; //decrements integer value at each iteration
mean = sum / n; } //compute the average of values
while(size>0){ //loop executes until value of size exceeds 0
sumSquare += Math.pow(num[i]-mean,2); //takes the sum of square difference between each element of num array and value of mean
i++; //increments i
size--; } //decrements size
variance = sumSquare / (n-1); //compute variance by dividing the result of sum of the squares of their differences from the mean by n-1
sd = Math.sqrt(variance); //computes standard deviation by using sqrt function which takes the sqrt of the result of variance computed above
System.out.println("Average value is: " + mean+ " and the standard deviation is " + String. format("%.2f", sd)); }} //displays the average of numbers stored in mean variable and value of standard deviation is displayed up to 2 decimal places
Screenshots of both programs and their outputs is attached.