Ergonomia (sau factorii umani) este disciplina științifică preocupată de înțelegerea interacțiunilor dintre om și alte elemente ale unui sistem și profesia care aplică teorie, principii, date și metode pentru a proiecta pentru a optimiza bunăstarea umană și în general performanta sistemului."
Public key encryption
DescriptionPublic-key cryptography, or asymmetric cryptography, is a cryptographic system that uses pairs of keys: public keys which may be disseminated widely, and private keys which are known only to the owner.
Hello the options to your question is missing here are the options
answer : 7
The value of the num_colors variable is 7 and this because you have to neglect the fact that there is no termination symbol at the end of the assignment operation in the code.
But when we consider the none existence of a termination symbol at the end of the assignment operation in the code, the code will generate a syntax error instead of a value.
Any piece of computer hardware equipment which converts information into a human-perceptible form or, historically, into a physical machine-readable form for use with other non-computerized equipment. It can be text, graphics, tactile, audio, or video.
im using it for eddgenuity